Offical GameX Downloads

Source code and libraries are included in each release. GameX installation instructions can be found in Documentation. Demos and instructions on installing them can be found in the Demos section. The demos work with the current version of GameX listed here. Older demos can be found with Previous Versions of GameX below.

    Having trouble? See these useful notes on building GameXR5 for different compilers.
         GameXR5 - Build Notes


Current Version Updated Aug 28, 2006

GameX Release 5.04 (Visual Studio 2005) - Packaged with 6 demos


Download here:
Version: Release 5.04, 8/28/2006
Requirements: Windows, DirectX 8+, Graphics card with hardware DirectX support
Recompiling Requirements: Windows and Visual Studio 2005
Description: This zip file include GameX R5 along with four demos, ShipDemo, CamDemo, MissileDemo and ParticleDemo. GameX R5 includes hardware rendering, background music playback, 3D polygon rendering, transparency, sound, and support for BMP, JPG. TIF, WAV and MP3.


GameX Release 5.04 (Visual Studio .NET 2003)- Packaged with 6 demos


Download here:
Version: Release 5.04, 2/2/2004
Requirements: Windows, DirectX 8+, Graphics card with hardware DirectX support
Recompiling Requirements: Windows and Visual Studio .NET 2003 or Visual C++ 6.0
Description: This zip file include GameX R5 along with four demos, ShipDemo, CamDemo, MissileDemo and ParticleDemo. GameX R5 includes hardware rendering, background music playback, 3D polygon rendering, transparency, sound, and support for BMP, JPG. TIF, WAV and MP3.

    GameX Release 5.04


Download here:
Version: Release 5.04, 2/2/2004
Requirements: Windows, DirectX 8+, Graphics card with hardware DirectX support
Recompiling Requirements: Windows and Visual Studio .NET or Visual C++ 6.0
Description: This zip file includes the GameX R5 source code and library.


Previous versions

GameX Release 5 beta



Download here:
Version: Release 5 beta, 10/9/2003
Requirements: Windows, DirectX 7+, Graphics card with hardware DirectX support
Recompiling Requirements: Windows, Visual Studio .NET or Visual C++ 6.0, DirectX 7 SDK
Description: Early release of 5.04

    GameX Release 4.1


Download here:
Version: Release 4.1, 2/12/2003
Requirements: Windows, DirectX 7+
Recompiling Requirements: Windows, Visual Studio .NET or Visual C++ 6.0, DirectX 7 SDK
Description: Software rendering only. Must slower, but guaranteed to run on systems with no graphics card or cards without DirectX hardware support. Includes sound support. Fixes bug from 4.0 and provides both Visual Studio .NET and Visual C++ libraries.

    GameX Release 4.0


Download here:
Version: Release 4.0, 10/15/2002
Requirements: Windows, DirectX 7+
Recompiling Requirements: Windows, Visual Studio .NET or Visual C++ 6.0, DirectX 7 SDK
Description: Software rendering only. Must slower, but guaranteed to run on systems with no graphics card or cards without DirectX hardware support. Includes sound support.

    GameX Release 2



Download here:
Version: Release 2.0, 7/16/2002
Requirements: Windows, DirectX 7+
Recompiling Requirements: Windows, Visual Studio .NET or Visual C++ 6.0, DirectX 7 SDK
Description: 3D Camera support with the CamerX class. Classes for Vector and Matrix manipulation released.

    GameX Release 1.1


Download here:
Version: Release 1.1, 7/10/2002
Requirements: Windows, DirectX 7+
Recompiling Requirements: Windows, Visual Studio .NET or Visual C++ 6.0, DirectX 7 SDK
Description: GameX first released. Software rendering 2D graphics via the ImageX class. Mouse and keyboard input through the GameX object. Support for loading and saving TIF images. All commands handled through single GameX object.